Why you need CPA Books from SRCC

Are you a CPA(Certified Public Accountant) student? The ride might not be easy, however, with the right CPA studying and revision materials, you never know. So the burning question is, why should you buy CPA books from Strathmore Research and Consultancy Centre(SRCC)?

Founded in 2003, SRCC has many years of experience in authoring and distributing study materials, exclusively authorized by Strathmore University. This experience is reflected in the relevance and exhaustiveness of the content imparted in these CPA books. Getting your study materials from this superior platform is a no-brainer when you consider the significant benefits involved. Want to know why? Let’s dive right in!

KASNEB is aware

SRCC launched its memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (KASNEB) during the launch of its 6th Corporate Strategic Plan-2022-2027. The MoU established a collaboration framework which will aid in the development of quality study materials aligned with KASNEB syllabuses commencing with Certified Public Accountants (CPA) qualifications.

Authoritative Content

When it comes to CPA preparation, the materials you use can make or break your performance on the CPA exams. With SRCC, you are rest assured the content in CPA is both authoritative and comprehensive.

Expertly-Penned Books

The CPA books distributed by SRCC are written by real industry experts who understand the ins and outs of the accounting profession. With their wealth of experience, they skillfully navigate through complex topics, making them simple to grasp for readers.


One of the perks of buying CPA books from SRCC is the ease of accessibility. You can conveniently order the books online and have them delivered to your doorstep at a fee.

Quality of Print

Great content deserves a great print – it’s as simple as pie. The print quality of SRCC’s CPA books is top-notch, ensuring optimal reading comfort.

Experience, Expertise, Authority, Trust

SRCC isn’t simply an entity that authors and distributes CPA books for Strathmore University. It embodies experience, expertise, authority, and trust. Simply put, when you buy CPA books from SRCC, you’re choosing quality, clarity, and success.

The thought of preparing for your CPA examination doesn’t have to be a daunting one. Invest in CPA study materials that can genuinely contribute to your success. Why buy CPA books from SRCC? Your accounting professional journey deserves the best, and that’s exactly what you get with our books. 

So, are you ready to ace your CPA journey with the best books in the market? Make the smart move and choose SRCC. After all, success starts with the right resources!

Contact us at srcc@strathmore.edu now or click here.

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