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Making Science Fun and Accessible for All

Dr. Kenneth Monjero, better known as Dr. Fun, is not...

SRCC Simplifying Job Evaluation

Job evaluation, a fundamental process in HR, plays a pivotal...

International HR Day 2024: The Evolving Role of HR

Strathmore Research and Consultancy Centre(SRCC)  joins the global community today...

SRCC: Authorized ACCA Books’ Distributor

In finance and accounting, achieving ACCA certification is a significant...

Secrets on How to Make Extra Money with SRCC

Strathmore Research and Consultancy Centre- SRCC recently launched the Client...

Why you need CPA Books from SRCC

Are you a CPA(Certified Public Accountant) student? The ride might...

SRCC signs MoU with TCC-AFRICA to revolutionize Research

Strathmore Research and Consultancy Centre(SRCC) held a workshop on 9th...

Book Review: Learning to Live, Rest and Let go

Three-quarters of the way through Fernando Sarráis’ book, “Learning to...

Benefits of HR Audit to your company

Have you thought through the risk your company is likely...
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