Strathmore Research and Consultancy Centre, SRCC, launched its memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (KASNEB) during the launch of KASNEB’s 6th Corporate Strategic Plan(2022-2027). Attending the event on 25th July, 2022 at the KASNEB Towers were: Christine Owande (Managing Director, SRCC), Mr. Anthony Kahindi (University Secretary, Strathmore University), Dr. Nicholas K. Letting’ (CEO, KASNEB), Dr. Nancy N. Muriuki (Chairperson – KASNEB Board), Dr. Julius M. Muia (Principal Secretary, The National Treasury) among other top officials.
The MoU establishes a collaboration framework which will aid in the development of quality study materials for KASNEB syllabuses commencing with Certified Public Accountants (CPA) qualifications. Speaking during the launch, Christine Owande acknowledged the several challenges faced by students in their pursuit of professional courses, among them being lack of study and revision materials. “Upon realizing these challenges, Strathmore University, through the SRCC (formerly the Distance Learning Centre), began authoring and publishing study packs for learners in Kenya,” said Christine.
In his remarks, Dr. Nicholas Letting’ added, “Signing of an MoU between SRCC and KASNEB harnesses the development of study materials and closure of professional skill-gaps and competences.” KASNEB will also review the books which SRCC produces through the Strathmore Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT). Additionally, the parties will jointly organize and participate in conferences, seminars and workshop meetings, including engagement with other collaborators.
Representatives from the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK), the regulatory body of the accountancy profession in Kenya, also attended the function. While addressing the importance of the study materials, Christine noted that through the MoU, many students will be at a better position to successfully sit their examinations and eventually join ICPAK as credible accounting professionals. Dr. Nancy N. Muriuki also acknowledged that KASNEB has been desiring to produce study packs for students pursuing professional courses in Kenya. She said, “We are proud to announce that through this MoU, students will be empowered to enhance their professional skills and qualifications. I am a beneficiary of the study materials which SRCC has produced before.”
The guest speaker, Dr. Julius M. Muia, concluded his speech by commending the collaboration between SRCC and KASNEB. “Indeed, this initiative will significantly support student learning and enhance their performance,” he added.
Strathmore Research and Consultancy Centre is the consultancy arm of Strathmore University. It coordinates the consultancy work of the university to ensure that clients receive high quality advisory work. Besides publishing and distributing study materials, it offers the following consultancy services: Human Resource consulting, IT consulting, Management consulting, as well as project monitoring and evaluation.
KASNEB is state corporation whose main mandate is to develop syllabuses and conduct vocational, certificate, diploma, professional and post-professional examinations. It also offers certification to candidates in accountancy, finance, credit, governance and management, information technology and related disciplines.
This article is written by Odhiambo Obonyo.